Lip lush

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Who doesn’t love a great soft lip blush tattoo?! I’ve been doing lips for as long as I’ve been doing brows. I’ve been collecting techniques over the years to be able to give my clients lips that are natural looking, age appropriate and sexy all in one!!

The lip procedure typically requires multiple sessions, ranging from 1 to 4, especially for extremely dark lips. Natural lip tones may need just one session, while darker tones often require multiple sessions based on the desired result and the darkness of the lip. We begin by identifying your lip tone and selecting different colors for each area.


To enhance lip regeneration, we recommend plasma lip rejuvenation a month before the lip procedure to achieve the desired result. Neutralization is applied to areas with hyperpigmentation, preparing for the next session with an even tone to achieve the final look. Our goal is to create an even-toned lip with a natural touch of color, providing a natural-looking appearance similar to a lip gloss.


After the procedure, you’ll wake up with naturally beautiful lips, eliminating the need for daily lip color application or reapplying after meals or water activities. You’ll be delighted to discard your lipsticks and enjoy your favorite lip color effortlessly every day. If desired, you can still apply a darker lipstick tone on top of your natural lip color anytime you wish.


Lip before and after care
Lip prep


📌If u have ever had a history of cold sore, even if u had it once in your life or since you were a child you will more than likely break out. Please contact your doctor for valtex take it before, during, and after procedure day. This will help to prevent the appearance of blisters

📌please don’t forget to ask your doctor for Lysine, Valtrex. Take a tablet before, during & after procedure. This will prevent blister if you have had experienced a cold sore previously.

Drink a lot of water and keep your lips moist for a few days before the appointment.

📌Please note:

If your lips are dry, we cannot perform the procedure. A reschedule will be necessary if your lips are dry, and your deposit will be forfeited. It is best to exfoliate your lips at least 5 days before your appointment to remove any dry skin. Purchase a lip scrub or make your own by mixing coconut oil and brown sugar. The week before your appointment, moisturize your lips as much as possible to keep them in good condition.

Stop take Aspirin, Ibuprofen or any blood thinners 24h before your appointment

Do not discontinue any important medications before consulting with your doctor.

Avoid alcohol for 24 hours before your appointment

Shower and brush your teeth before your appointment as you don’t want to shower the day after

Be sure to have a full meal before coming to your appointment

Do not wear lip stick but lip moisturizer and bring your favorite lip color to show us


*Understand that fever blisters/cold sores are a very common side effect of lip tattooing, but ONLY if you have had them in the past. Lip tattooing will not cause fever blisters/cold sores if you’ve never had any. We strongly suggest getting your doctor or dentist to prescribe an oral medication such as Valtrex prior to any lip procedures.


*If you ever suffered from fever blisters/cold sores, you need to take Valtrex 2 days prior procedure, on the day of the procedure and 2 days after the procedure.


*If you have had any type of lip surgery, consult with your physician about how long you should wait before having a permanent makeup procedure on the lips. Most physicians are giving a 3 week “ok” after lip filler injections like collagen or Restylane.


*If the lip surgery involves an incision (such as with a lip implant), the incision needs to mature a minimum of 6 months before tattooing on top of it.


*If you are required to take an antibiotic pre-med before dental treatments, you should consult with your doctor and take it before any permanent makeup lip procedure.


*For best numbing and color results, gently exfoliate your lips daily for a week before with a sugar scrub (can be made easily with sugar granules and honey.)


*ARNICA IS AMAZING TO KEEP SWELLING AND BRUISING AWAY! You can purchase Arnica homeopathic tablets and take them as directed. We recommend 5 tablets under your tongue 3 times a day every day for 10 days prior to your procedure. Continue this for 10 days after. It really works wonders!


Lip Aftercare

Day 1:

Immediately after the treatment slightly swelling may occur.  An Ice bag can be applied when you get home to reduce swelling.  15 minutes on and 45 minutes off. It’s normal if you feel tender or numbness or have feeling of your lips is very big

The color will appear much darker/ brighter than the one you chose.

o   Eat pineapples or drink pineapple juice for quicker healing

o   Use straws for any kind of drink

o   Eat non liquid foods for the first 3 days


Apply a small amount of A&D ointment using a q-tip 3-4 times a day.  Keep lips moist at anytime

Day 3:

If small blisters appear, Zovirax cream can be use. You may feel and see lips starting to dry out and start to peel. All of the dryness will peel by the end of day 3

Continue Keep your lips moist at all times using AnD cream after lips peeled


What you don’t do:

o   Do not 💋 kiss

o   Do not eat liquid foods for the first 3 days after the procedure

o   Do not lick/bite your lips

o   Avoid direct sun exposure to the lips

o   Avoid wearing lipstick or plumping gloss

o   Do not wet for 6 hours

o   Avoid seafood, shellfish to avoid itchiness.


What you should do:

o   First a few hours day try to you may need to talk a lot to get to help take. Way numb rid of numb cream away quicker

o   Apply cream after 6 hour Days first you will want to eat dry foods any kind of foods but dry

o   Drink a lot of darter after 2 days

o   Eat a lot of fruit and pineapple

o   After 24 hours, you may see lip start to dry, appears darker and ready to flake off.


Please do not be worry if you lose color after the first few weeks as you can lose up to 60% the first session


NOTE: first time clients Lips blush may be required more than 1 follow up session, each session will have an additional cost of $100 and must be within six weeks. For dark lips which required neutralize will also need 2-3 sessions to reach to final results.

Please make sure your follow up touch up appointment need to be scheduled right before you leave and must be after 5,6 weeks but not later than 6,7 weeks to consider follow up touch up cost of $100. 


  1. Use Cetaphil or a gentle skin cleanser (alternative cleaners to Cetaphil must be approved by your artist) to wash your liner 3 hours after your appointment. Rinse & pat dry with paper towel, then apply a VERY THIN layer of recommended aftercare ointment.


*If taking Arnica, 5 pellets under the tongue 5 times a day for 7 days or until swelling subsides.


  1. Continue washing your lips (as instructed above) morning and night, and moisturizing 4-6x throughout the day; this is to be continued daily for 4 weeks. Always be gentle when caring for lips, do not scrub or exfoliate.


  1. For the first week, drink all liquids out of a straw and avoid spicy foods.

Lip aftercare Restrictions


Restrictions: For the first 4 weeks of healing:

o   Do not touch with your fingers, unless washing

o   No sun

o   No working out (to avoid heavy sweating)

o   No swimming underwater

o   No steam rooms or saunas (try to take cool showers)


o   You CAN get your lips wet in the shower; pat dry once out of the shower and apply your regular ointment



If you have more oily skin and/or larger pores, it is recommended that you have a powder brow done.

If you choose to move forward with hairstrokes, it is very possible that your hairstrokes will slightly blur together in the future. This may require a soft powder brow and/or a lightening session to be done in the future.


Please note that artist recommendations are strictly professional opinions and we cannot predict exactly how pigment will hold and react in your skin over time. You can see the difference between powder brows and hairstrokes through our artist’s online portfolios.


For further information regarding this, we recommend a phone consultation or complimentary in person consultation.


Please click the link below to book or price check

📍Matawan location
👆Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday

📍Fords location
👇🏼 Monday, Friday and Saturday